Pande Chiropractic Blog
Clever Holistic Health and Wellness for the Entire Person
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Your complete health and wellness. Learn more about how chiropractic and physiotherapy can help you feel better and achieve your best health!

5 Common Contributors to Hip Pain and How Your Chiropractor Can Help
Our hips are put through a lot. They support our weight, provide us freedom of movement, and let us bend, leap, and pivot. They take up the stress from sports and exercise, as well as the effects of daily tasks like walking and lifting. Considering all of this, it should come as no surprise that a large number of Canadians have hip discomfort sometimes. Depending on the underlying reason, hip pain can be felt in one of three locations: the front, rear, or sides of the hip. Of course, the underlying issue also affects how much and how long the pain lasts.

Physiotherapy For Frozen Shoulder
Adults between the ages of 40 and 60 are most typically affected by the painful ailment known as frozen shoulder. Known medically as adhesive capsulitis, it is characterized by joint stiffness, limited range of motion, and shoulder discomfort. There are certain crucial elements to recognizing and treating frozen shoulder, even though it is frequently misdiagnosed as other ailments, including a rotator cuff injury.